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The 1832 Foundation is a public foundation which is exempt from federal income taxes and which may accept tax deductible gifts under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The grants are intended to promote intellectual interest or achievement and are concentrated in qualified educational and literary programs associated predominantly with college and university students.


The Foundation provides funding for scholarships and leadership training, in addition to providing support for qualified projects or educational programs.

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Fill out this form to apply for funds from the 1832 Foundation. Form is required before any requests are considered.


The 1832 Foundation Board of Directors or the Executive Committee can approve grant requests. All grant applications that are preliminarily approved will be conditioned upon the receipt of appropriate documentation and the availability of funds. All grant applications must comply with the Foundation's mission and be consistent with the purposes 501(c)(3) organization. At any time up to and including the distribution of a grant, the Foundation may: (i) deny or withhold approval of any grant application; (ii) withdraw its preliminary approval of any grant application; (iii) refuse to distribute any grant, if, in its complete and unfettered discretion, the Foundation determines that the award does not meet any of its requirements, and/or if the Foundation determines that:


  • Appropriate documentation has not been provided;

  • There are insufficient funds available;

  • The criteria or awards are discriminatory or otherwise violate any law; or,

  • Distributing the award could not be in the best interests of the Foundation, or might cause harm, including but not limited to financial, legal, material, or harm the reputation, to the Foundation.


Other conditions which the 1832 Foundation Board, Executive Committee or President may at their sole discretion require, shall also apply to all grants.

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